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Considering PLM Implementation?

Our Services

Introduction to Product Lifecycle Management for Students

To prepare students for work in the industry, the DPS&T club is designed to help train Purdue students on design build teams with Product Lifecycle Management. PLM is a process that many engineering companies are implementing, so our training can provide you with a step up on industry applications.

Student-Run Support Team

The DSP&T club is a student run team that is trained to provide admin-level support and maintenance for the teams we support. If you are interested in gaining admin access to the PLM server, please consider joining the DSP&T club!

Purdue Server Maintenance

The DSP&T team is connected with ITap and ECN to provide this service to our student design build teams. As a part of our services we will aid in the server maintenance and data backups. 

Flexible Assistance for your Student Team

Since our PLM system is given to us out-of-the-box, there are many different opportunities for your team to work with us on creating an experience that is useful for your team. While there are limitations, we can also place your team in contact with our sponsors to further your options as well.

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